What Would Chad Do? And Why You Need To Be More Like Him

You probably know a ‘Chad’. ‘What would Chad do’ has been a question I’ve been asking myself and the entrepreneurs in my coaching groups for months!

He’s that mediocre white dude doing all the big things because he has the audacity to.

You might know him as Brad, Brian, Mark, Chris. He’s the co-worker that talks over you. He’s getting paid more than you even though you're both doing the same damn thing. He calls you honey or sweetheart even when you tell him that’s not your damn name. He tells you to stop being so sensitive and emotional. 

He’s the guy who looks at job descriptions and thinks “I don’t have a single qualification, but I think I could do that.” Keep reading to learn more about Chad and how you can have the audacity to do the big things, just like him.

Chad isn’t someone specific

First of all, Chad isn’t any specific person. The sentiment isn’t meant to bash men or diminish anyone’s accomplishments. “What would Chad do?” is meant to help you immediately dismiss any self-limiting beliefs that pop into your head. It’s meant to push you to take on the challenges that you face, head-on. It's meant to remind you to have more faith in yourself and to have the audacity to do the big things.

More About Chad’s Confidence

You’ve probably heard the following statistic: Men apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the qualifications, but women tend to apply only if they meet 100% of them. Men are confident about their ability at 60%, but we women don’t feel confident until we’ve checked off each item on the list. You see, we women were taught that we always need to check off the list...to follow the rules.

I know as a Black woman, not only did I need to follow the rules, but I was expected to stick to the script.  But in trying to do that, I was left unfulfilled and I was tired of feeling afraid and unsure of my next steps. I wanted to play bigger and bolder. And you know who’s good and playing big? Chad.

So I started asking myself “Vivian, what would Chad do?”.

Chadacity in Real Life

Chadacity (or Chad’s audacity) is present everywhere! Most recently, you may have heard of a Silicon Valley engineer, who had no background in medical supplies but was recommended by the White House, receiving a $69.1 million contract for ventilators. The kicker… he NEVER delivered them! The money he received on March 30th, 2020 was the largest single payment made by the New York Department of Health. And he had NO receipts, no experience and no follow-through!

Using What Would Chad Do?™ In Life and Business

In my years of entrepreneurship and business and empowerment coaching, I’ve heard every excuse in the book! Clients are afraid to niche down their products for fear of no one buying. Perhaps you’re afraid to raise your prices, but Harvard is still charging $50k to attend school ONLINE. Maybe You’re afraid to apply for that job because you only have 4 out of the 5 qualifications?

Now I am NOT suggesting that you straight up lie, deceive or be a Karen to get what you deserve. Don’t be an asshole.

Instead, use What Would Chad Do?™ as an instant encouragement tool to give you the audacity. Harness your inner Chad to stop doubting yourself, your qualifications, your self-worth.

You were put on this earth to do ALL the things. Whatever that means or looks like for you. But please do not dim your light because you’re afraid your light will shine too bright. So the next time you need to give yourself a huge dose of encouragement, just ask yourself, What Would Chad Do?™

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