The Keys to Developing Your Chad Mindset

Having confidence in your value and self-worth and trusting your skills and experience is an important part of developing your entrepreneur mindset, scaling the corporate ladder or even showing up in a big way for your family. In today’s blog post, I’m going to tell you what the Chad mindset is and how you can develop the same mindset for yourself. 

By now, you probably already know that Chad isn’t a specific person. Chad is a mood, an energy….an attitude. But if you had to picture him, he’s this random stock photo dude. We all know him.  We’re astounded by his confidence and incompetence at the same time. He’s a mediocre white dude who is doing all the things that he has no business doing and uses his privilege as a white male to get it done.

The definition of mediocre is of only moderate quality; not very good. But here’s the thing…Chad doesn’t think he’s mediocre. Society has raised Chad to believe he can do any and everything  And so, he does it and we celebrate it. 

A Day In The Life of Chad

Let’s walk through a day in the life of Chad…

Chad wakes up in the morning ready to conquer the world. He’s not worried about the bloat that all the wine and donuts last night caused. He’s not obsessing over his outfit because hey world, you’re going to get this body and this outfit whether you like it or not because it’s fantastic.

Then, he goes to work. He woke up this morning and decided he wanted a raise. He also decided he wanted to start a side hustle because all his ideas are brilliant. He doesn’t question whether he actually deserves a raise. He doesn’t call 50eleven friends to ask their opinions on whether he should start a side hustle AND ask for a raise. 

He just does it. 

Chad doesn’t apologize for anything. He takes compliments in stride. And when he says no, he means it. 

He speaks with authority. He’s not concerned with sounding mad and adding emojis to emails to soften the blow. 

Chad also doesn’t minimize his achievements. As mediocre as Chad is, he is very proud of every damn thing he has done in his life. 

Here’s a question:

What if you just took how Chad sees himself in the world and applied it to yourself.

What if you just applied for the job of your dreams? Do you only have 4 of the 5 qualifications? Apply anyways.

What if you just stopped sitting on that idea and were waiting for the perfect time to do it. It’s not coming. Do it anyway.

What if you stopped apologizing for yourself and your ideas?

What if you stopped minimizing yourself. 

What if you stopped doubting yourself. 

What if you stopped being scared of what other people thought and just went for it. 

What if you just woke up one morning and did all the Chad things unapologetically. 

What is The Chad Mindset?

You see, the whole Chad thing isn’t about being mediocre. It’s not about being the best and being a jerk about it. It’s about doing, giving, being YOUR best, and not feeling guilty about it.  That is the Chad mindset. 

Now listen, you could be doing all the big Chad things, and shit will still happen. But what you’re going to do is turn that shit into manure. Stay with me here. 

Think of yourself as a plant. Plants need soil to grow healthy and strong. Soil on its own is kinda mediocre. However, if you add manure to the soil, it adds extra nutrients to help plants grow even bigger, greener, and stronger. 

So you need to look at every challenge, every obstacle, every failure as manure that will help you, a big human plant, to grow bigger, bolder, and stronger. 

And continue to do all the Chad things.

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