5 Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing is a fast, flexible, and cost-effective way to connect with your customers, inform and educate your audience, deepen your client relationships and drive sales and increase revenue. Email marketing should be part of the marketing strategy for every business. Everyone should be doing it. Yes, you too! 

Email marketing, which is just one aspect of digital marketing, is 40 times more effective than Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter at acquiring new customers. That makes email one of the most powerful tools in your digital marketing arsenal. I’m going to break down the 5 email marketing tips to help you make the most of your email marketing campaigns. Keep reading for all my tips!

Build your list

Building your email list is important to growing your business. You can build a list by creating a signup for first-time visitors to your website via a pop-up or in the footer of your website. You can incentivize visitors by offering a discount or free shipping in exchange for their email. You can also drive sign-ups through social media by sharing the signup to your engaged social media following.  

Follow email rules

But before you start emailing people, make sure you follow the CAN-SPAM Act rules. These rules include having a non-deceptive subject line, a method of unsubscribing, and your name and address at the bottom of all your emails.  

Whatever you do, do not add random emails to your list or use emails without permission. If too many people start marking your emails as spam, the email gods (aka email marketing platforms) will make sure no one will ever see them again.

Know what kinds of emails to send to your list 

The types of emails you send depend on how and what you’re selling. 

For eCommerce, the types of emails you should send include:

  • Order confirmations

  • Shipping confirmations

  • Abandoned carts

  • Welcome series

  • Upsells (and more)

It’s important that you avoid only sending emails that are ads or sales focused. Instead, use your emails to build rapport with your customers. Share your expertise or tips from other experts. Tell them about your company and why you do what you do. Thank them for supporting your business without selling to them. 

Be strategic about how you use your list

Now that you’ve built up your list, you should start doing what’s called segmenting. 

This is when you start splitting  the email addresses you received into specific and strategic groups

Segmenting your list can improve open and click-through rates (leading to more eyes on your content, products and services). Depending on the size of your list, your segments can be simple or can get a bit more complex. 

Segments can be as include:

  • First-time buyers

  • Repeat customers

  • Product type purchases

  • Email engagement

  • Amount spent

Segmenting your list and scrubbing inactive subscribers is a good thing. Especially if you use an email service where you pay for each subscriber. If someone doesn’t open your emails or hasn’t purchased within a certain amount of time, it’s okay to get rid of them. 

Determine when to send emails

When you should be sending emails is really dependent on your business. If you’re an eCommerce business, the ideal setup would be automated flows, like the email types I mentioned earlier. Automated flows are emails that get sent automatically depending on the actions of your customer. 

If you’re interested in sending more of a newsletter type of email where you send insightful tips, tricks, and resources, stick to a schedule. Sending emails using regular intervals can help your subscribers know what to expect from you and when.

If you’ve never done email marketing before, this can be a lot to take in. Although email marketing has a lot of moving parts, at its heart, it’s a simple process and what I used to successfully grow my 7 figure business.  

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